Our Philosophy
At Stillwaters Airedales we believe in good temperaments, working abilities and the AKC Airedale standard. We raise several litters per year. The breedings are carefully selected to maintain and improve the Airedale breed. All parents are OFA hip and Penn hip x-rayed. Our puppies are raised in our home and socialized extensively. We do personality and temperament tests and strive to place puppies according to their personalities and your family lifestyle.
All puppies are vet checked, micro-chipped and have the age appropriate shots and worming before going to their new homes.
We stand behind the puppies we raise at Stillwaters. If for any reason a puppy needs to be re-homed, at any time, even later as an adult, we ask that they be returned to us. We are responsible and accountable for the happiness and well being of all Stillwaters Airedales.
Our goal when raising puppies is to breed to dogs with good conformation and great temperaments. We strive to produce pups that will grow up happy, stable and beautiful. We believe that Airedales are truly a "jack of all trades" breed and derive great pleasure out of watching the offspring grow into well adjusted trainable adults. We especially enjoy hearing about all the different venues our dogs excel in.
If you wish to be added to our list of interested people, please fill out a questionnaire found under the contact tab and mail, fax or email it to us. We can be reached during the day at 419-355-3620 (9 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST)
We LOVE talking Airedales!
Our Team
Sherri and John Glass stumbled into the Airedale Terrier venture quite by accident. John was working as a police officer and wanted to find a dog suitable for drug detection work. His department was small and budgets were tight, so he had to purchase his own dog. We were lucky when a Airedale breeder so graciously donated an Airedale for this work. It was love at first sight and no turning back!
In the mean time, John was able to acquire a drug detection labrador named Corky. Corky was John's partner for over 14 years. We did train our Airedale, Bo, in drug detection and he was a back up to Corky. Bo was the first and only Airedale to be certified in the state for Narcotic Detection. Sherri, very interested in Search and Rescue work, trained Bo for this also. The Airedale bug bit Sherri and John! And you can't have just one. These days, you will find 6 or 7 Airedales in the Glass household.
Our personal Airedales have done Drug detection, SAR, Cadaver detection, AKC obedience, AKC conformation, Rally obedience, Agility, Tracking, Upland bird hunting, racoon hunting and most importantly, the job of being best buddy and protector.
John is now retired from the police department and the county dog warden job. Sherri is a International Certified Groomer, member of IPG, member of the Hunting and Working Airedale INC, member of The Airedale Club of America and members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
We have been breeding and raising Airedales since 2001. We still look for the best conformation and temperament in our dogs. We enjoy raising puppies and watching them grow into wonderful companions. The best is yet to come!
Sherri Glass, ICMG and Stillwaters Airedales